Smallholder Farmers Zambia's Future
The training of farmers continues, this in Ndola kafubu farm block these are emerging farmers learning about sustainable farming using...

A Farmers Review Of His Trial
The following is a rough translation as he is speaking local language here he is explaining that he applied GrowPro to his Tomatoes and...

Training Continues Ndola Training Today
They were chanting "Away with chemical fertilizers and welcome Grow Pro. We 've been cheated long enough" I am very happy John

Luapula Now Over 500 Demo Plots
Jackson Mwenya and his team at Vision Africa have been working tirelessly to spread the word and distribute sample packs across the...

Your Soil Is Your Future
#sustainable #Microbes #Farming #Organic #ClimateSmart

Wellcrop Zambia On TV
As we start our training and microbial farming input awareness GrowPro is gaining a reputation as a climate smart drought tolerant...

Tomato Growers Utopia
Hi farmers One of our early adopters of GrowPro has sent us these images he is so very pleased he made the change to chemical free. He...

A Hectare Of Inputs Carried Home On Your Bike
To apply the correct amount of chemical fertilizer to one hectare you need 8 50kg (400kg) bags of fertilizer. To apply the correct amount...

Katete Zambia Training An Agricultural Revolution
Africa's Farming Revolution Has Begun Finally A Climate Smart Alternative To Toxic inputs