Do Not Kill Your Soil
Whilst Standing On Your Land Look Down And Beneath Your Feet Is A Network Of Billions Of Microbes Ready To Help You Grow, You Need To...

A GrowPro Dealers First Demo Crop
Hi colleagues, this is the first harvest of tomatoes on the demo I was doing. Today I presented the product to 9 small scale farmers at...
No Lies GrowPro Is The Real Deal
❤ GrowPro We Have Been Testing With Real Farmers Across Zambia For 3 Years We Did This So Farmers Could Judge How Good GrowPro Actualy...

You Would Have to Be Crazy Not To Use GrowPro This Season
GrowPro is A Climate-Smart Product That Will Help You Alleviate Drought and Flood Conditions, Help Rejuvenate Your soils, Give better...

Cut The Cost Of Your Maize Crop
It has now been proven over and over in Zambia, you can grow your Maize crop cheaper than ever. Use GrowPro Drought tolerant soil...

GrowPro: Training Smallholders In Climate-Smart Agriculture
Climate Smart Sustainable Farming with GrowPro we are working at developing agribusiness in Africa by focusing on small-scale and human deve

GrowPro Sample Plots Working
Farmers words Farmers who have been trialing GrowPro beside the usual very expensive chemical fertilizers "This is what GrowPro can...

Growpro Training Kalulushi Chembe Zambia
Interest is growing across Zambia the smallholder farmers are happy to be taking product to use on their crops, they will then see for...

GrowPro In Action
Picture 1 (Left): 1 Week of growth. Chemical fertilizer used, no GrowPro used. Picture 2 (Middle): Same field with 1 week of growth....

Training Continues Ndola Training Today
They were chanting "Away with chemical fertilizers and welcome Grow Pro. We 've been cheated long enough" I am very happy John